Yard Waste Disposal Sites
Since 1993, Shamrock Township has maintained two yard waste disposal sites for use by township residents and property owners. Residents may drop off any yard waste with branch sizes up to four inch in diameter; no trees are accepted at the site. Additionally, compost and free wood chips are available for pick up for residential use; they are not intended for commercial/resale.
Mattresses, Garbage, Concrete Blocks and Tires all dumped at the leaf site off of County Road 6 over the October 28-29 weekend. These kinds of activities will get the leaf sites shut down permanently

Yard Waste Hours of Operations
Monday-Friday after 5:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday all day

Left in the 473rd Street
(Dump Road)
Leaving your yard waste on the roads will not get the Yard Waste Sites hours of operation changed
The Hours of operation have been set on the leaf sites due to the use and abuse of these sites by Contractors. These site are NOT for commercial use. See Rules and Regulations below.
Leaf/Compost Site Rules and Regulations
- Yard waste only
- Limbs/brush limited to 4” in diameter
- Brush and chips must be clean – free of rock
- No stumps
- No rocks
- Not for Commercial Contractors
- No re-sale of compost site materials/products
Abuse of these sites will cause the sites to be permanently closed by forces beyond our control.
Yard Waste Disposal Site Locations
• 503rd Street, south side of road, near Shamrock Town Hall
• County Road 6 approximately 4.5 miles east of Highway 65 between 184th Avenue and 473 Street, south side of road
• Both sites are marked with signs and gates.