Lodging Tax Ordinance
The Minnesota Legislature and electors of Shamrock Township approved a tax of  3% on lodging at a hotel, motel, rooming house, tourist court, or resort, other than the renting or leasing of it for a continuous period of thirty days or more. View the full ordinance in PDF format below.

Shamrock Township Ordinance Issuing Lodging Tax

Lodging Tax Remittance Form

Burning Permits 
Burning permits are required and are available from the DNR Forestry Station and the MNDNR website dnr.state.mn.us. Please check for burning bans before burning.

Road Right-of-way Ordinance 
The Shamrock Township Road Right-of-way Ordinance sets regulations concerning cultivation, landscaping, trees, obstructions, junk, mailboxes, signs, and approaches on roads maintained by the township. Adopted August 26, 2004.

The full ordinance is available in PDF format. Your computer needs Adobe Reader to view these files; if you do not already have Adobe Reader, a free download is available at www.adobe.com.

Shamrock Township Road Ordinance 2004

Driveway Installation on Township Roads
Shamrock Township Entrance Policy – Culvert Specs

Requirements and Specifications For Township Roads
Resolution 2008-8 Township road acceptance
Township road specifications for newly platted road
Township road specifications for existing roads

Procedure for Road Vacation
Road Vacation Instructions;
Town Road Vacation Petition

Franchise Fee Renewal

Ordinance 2024-01 – Ordinance Granting a Renewal Franchise to Savage Communication